It's a conspicuous silence when I'm not updating the sites, sending email, or offering more than a few lines in response to an email I receive. I'm grateful to have you checking up on me. Nothing and everything is happening:
I have been suffering with symptoms of low iron for a month, which, I can track back to be almost one year, to the day, of when we started arranging iron infusions last year. Until my levels improve, my energy is low. When I stop 'doing' and pause my mind and body, I fall asleep. Never for very long, but basically, when I stop and relax, I drift off to sleep. Guess I wasn't into the conversation around the dinner table this evening...stood up, rolled the IV to the couch, laid down, went to sleep.
We are lucky to know terrific people. A couple of weeks ago, I put a call out asking friends to drive the afternoon carpool for me one day each week. Together they implemented a plan whereby Kathy, Shari, Gloria or Arlene is driving the after-school carpool for us three days each week. These guys are no slackers! Each wears the hat of Professional/Mother/Sports Fan/Daughter/Sister/Wife/Neighbor/Friend throughout her day. They've got it all under control. More proof that when something needs to be done, just ask a busy person to help out. Thank you. Really, truly.
I can sleep right through the IV Pump alarms, but the dog's snoring is pretty disrupting. Before we check him out for apnea, we've got to try a nasal strip or something!
I am beginning to notice that Christmas is approaching. No, the house isn't decorated. No, the shopping's not done. Obviously, no presents are wrapped. I do not wish to discuss Christmas baking, thank you very much. We kind of have a plan to get everything taken care of. Fourteen days can be a lot of time. Especially if we skip that whole baking thing.
Part of The Plan: John and I spent the day together to shop for Christmas. One problem: Medication did not reach the correct temperature to infuse before we left. Nature of the day was stop and go, so running it in the car wasn't going to work. Just moved ahead.
Another problem: John and I shop alike. We look for the present that you didn't know you wanted/needed. We know what we're looking for, we just need to find it. We ran into Kari and caught up a bit. We found some unique stores, but after several hours we had 2 raffle tickets, 1 gift card and something on hold at a different location. We saw a lot of the same same-ness in a hundred stores.
Shortly after we arrived at the new location, we had a bag to carry! We hunted around a little more.
Another problem: I don't need to stop to eat. I don't get hungry. My stomach doesn't growl. I was still nursing the same drink from when we left the house. I didn't deny John the opportunity to refuel...It's just that I sometimes forget that other people eat.
Unresolved problem: THE GIFT is out of stock...everywhere...across the country...I hesitated and missed the chance to scoop it online. It's gone from there, too.
Andrew has almost completed his shopping. We committed to hitting a few places in particular tonight to try to wrap it up. Andrew is a great shopper. Last year, on the Saturday before Christmas, we went to Sherway together (yes, on the Saturday before The Big Day) and, using his eagle-eye, we quickly found everything we were looking for (and you didn't know you wanted).
It's a two-part process to subscribe to this blog. You enter your email address in the box in the sidebar, verify the letters on the screen and then a confirmation email is sent to you. The reader clicks the link in the email and Presto! You're in. My Mom hasn't confirmed her subscription...I'm going to need therapy.
Speaking Mom, not therapy...We spent yesterday together. She stopped me as I was about to get into her car. "Wait. The phone," she said, referring to her Nokia 2100 floor-mounted car phone, circa 1987. "It interferes with your pacemaker."
"Ma! I don't have the pacemaker anymore, remember?"
We think we'll survive without the ooey-chewy-double-chocolate cookies we make each year, but are we ready to give up the fudge?
Make fudge or take up knitting? Fudge.