December 30, 2006

Domestic Science?

A recent study, reported at News stated that "moderate housework can help women substantially to cut their risk of developing breast cancer".

It's hard enough getting help around the house. Now this?
"Oh, I'd vacuum, but I want you to reduce your risk of developing breast cancer."
"Oh, I'd do the laundry, but I don't want to be responsible for increasing the likelihood of you developing breast cancer."
"Oh, I'd dust, but..." well, maybe not that one.

The same day, The Mirror reported on the invention of the Shoover. Shoes that vacuum as you walk around wearing them. There's an idea...but does that mean the shoes get heavier as you Shoover? The dirt/dust has to go somewhere, right? Say you went to put the Shoovers away in the closet when you were finished. Wouldn't you get one heck of a shock after shuffling around the carpet vacuuming in your shoes and then touching the handle on the closet door?

On the other hand, Shoovers would make the stairs a snap to clean.


Anonymous said...

Why do you even bother to publish this sort of drivel?

So, you're telling me, I got breast cancer cuz I was a bad housekeeper. Okay, I admit, I told the kids ceiling fans were multi-functional - they are there to catch the dust in order to keep all that dirt from entering our lungs.....and I might have told them that the average person eats 1 lb. of dirt in their lifetime, that the strawberry that fell on the floor is perfectly fine....and then there was that time.....of fugedaboudit....fine. I'm a rotton housekeeper. Where can I get me some of those Shoovers?

Shoovers? What's next, Self-dusting knick-knacks? Hey, not a bad idea. After all, they have self-cleaning ovens (even tho mine is obviously faulty, the spill marks are still on the front of the oven door from Christmas Eve.)

Christine said...

I'm not saying it, science is saying it. Take it up with the researchers, man.
I'm finalizing my own research...My hypothesis: Regular dusting activities are dangerous to one's health. See, by not dusting, I am increasing immunity to dust allergens thereby reducing overall allergic response and asthma symptoms.
Let you know how it turns out.