January 30, 2007

Post Scripts

Updates on some previous posts:

Obesity is the #2 preventable killer of adults in the United States. 20 Things You Didn't Know about obesity.
Read the ~Original Post~.

Today, I'm reading and

I turned in my Superhero Club card too early. These auditions are right out of Mystery Men!
Read the ~Original Post~.

The Hibiscus needs serious help. First round after moving it indoors, we had about 20 blooms. Now, it's headed for Intensive Care.
Read the ~Original Post~.

The Deering sisters had the stem-cell transplant in China and are at home again.
Read the ~Original Post~

Roni has completed a full round of chemotherapy. She provided this update from her final treatment:
Oh, and EVERYONE!!!!! INCLUDING EVERY PERSON in the waiting room, including new patients that didn't even know the story, the DR. every nurse in the place, and the woman who delivers the lunches commented on my KILLER KICK-ASS CANCER BOOTS. Suggested that someone could lose an eye with that heel.
Read the ~Original Post~

Gifter.org won an Award. Their quest for a million continues...
6147 wishes sponsored
Sponsor A Wish
554 wishes made
Make a Wish
~Random Act of Kindness~


Anonymous said...

Bloom to Bust! Got a photo of the ailing plant for us?

Christine said...

No photo at this time.
Visualize: 10 sticks poking out of a pot of soil.