Suburban Smash
We were driving into the parking lot at Mimico Arena. Jessica's team was playing the first game of the North Metro Playoff series against Uxbridge.
Our usual spot was taken, but a large Suburban was pulling out of the spot beside that space. We waited for him to leave, so we could park there.
"Cut the wheel. Cut the wheel," I coached from inside our vehicle.
"He's going to hit that van," Jess said.
As she finished the sentence, BAM, the Suburban rammed into a Pontiac Montana parked across the lane.
The driver of the truck pulled forward and prepared to pull out of the parking lot. He stopped when I waved him down.
"You just hit that van," I told him. The van had rocked considerably upon being struck. He had to know!
"Oh," he said. He put the shifter into reverse and added, "I guess I'd better check it out then."The driver of the Suburban made a big display of checking the van out for damage. He stood back, like he was having trouble seeing the door. He shrugged. He walked from the front to the rear of the vehicle, all the while peering closely at the side panels. It was a terrible performance.
We went into the arena and asked people in the lobby if they owned the Montana. I asked the fans watching a game from the boards. I went up to the stands and asked. I interrupted the mini-stick game under the booth and asked the fans in the Home stands. Jackpot.
The owner of the van came out to the parking lot, to find the Suburban was gone. It was easy to see the dent, stretching about 4 feet along the sliding door and passenger door of the van. The owner of the van looked to see if some contact information had been left under the wiper blade. None. Back in the lobby, I gave Jim my contact information and the plate # of the truck.
Mr. Suburban-driver had been watching two teams of 9 and 10 year-old girls play a non-competitive house-league game at the arena. I hope he wasn't one of the coaches. Imagine this dressing room talk: 'OK, girls, we're here to have fun. So make sure when you're out there...if you do something wrong, like hit another player, well, just do your best to get away with it.'
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