June 02, 2007

In Other Anthropology News

Headline from LiveScience and MSNBC:

Quick history lesson:
Pompeii was destroyed by a violent eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 A.D. It was accidentally re-discovered in 1748. Pompeii is one of the richest anthropological sites because it was destroyed so quickly. Scientists are focusing on the relics in one neighborhood to better understand day-to-day living in the 1st century.

Back to the story -

Archaeologist Penelope Allison (University of Leicester) describes some of her team's findings:

There was an absence of formal dishware sets but an abundance of small
grilling vessels (like barbecues) found in the residences studied, indicating
that people were eating-and-running on the go.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Everything old is new again.



Michelle said...

Maybe they were camping. No one eats on good plates when they're camping!