April 25, 2008

Confession: I'm Not Good Friend

I've got a page on Facebook. I've got Facebook Friends.

But I'm a terrible Web 2.0 friend.

A while ago, someone apparently hacked into my Facebook account and sent out some notes, wall posts and video links that were unusual.

I was alerted to the breach when a said friend contacted me to explain my recent Graffiti on the Superwall. I told the friend "That you were Poked, Super Poked, received a wall post, were invited to add an application or take a quiz by me on Facebook, is 'unusual'."

I reviewed my settings, changed my password and secured my page. Occasionally, I have sent a legitimate video link (see right) or completed a quiz (car IQ) . Once I even sent a gift!

I don't know why I'm such a bad online friend; in the real world I'm not so negligent.
I'm respectful and kind. I remember birthdays, step in and help, and don't require.

Squidoo. Facebook. MySpace. Orkut. Twitter. BlogLog. Flickr. YouTube. Netvibe. Classmates.
I'll be your Web 2.0 friend. Mark my status low-maintenance.



Anonymous said...

Have you seen this site? People confess their sins online, anonymously: http://iconfessmyself.blogspot.com

Christine said...

That site looks more serious than what I need. So, I didn't add the Dr. Phil Personality Test on Facebook. It's not eating away at my conscience.