November 30, 2007

Histroic Mispelling For Sisters of Lorretto

loretto_signNew Mexico is unveiling its first Landmark for Women by honoring The Four Sisters of Loretto.
The Loretto Sisters were pioneers of education in New Mexico and started the first school for girls in the state.
Unfortunately, the historic plaque has been erected with several errors.
The plaque commemorates the Sisters of Lorreto, not Loretto; and uses know instead of known. Close ups ( in video) . The dedication ceremony is Saturday, Dec. 1 / 07.

livermore_cp_6472316San Francisco artist, Maria Alquilar knows the cost of public misspellings. "My career in public art is over," said the artist, after "Eistein", "Shakespere" and "Michaelangelo" appeared (along with 8 other spelling mistakes) in the mural she created for the Livermore Library. Alquilar said that she chose to leave the errors in her piece, claiming it was part of the art. Since her drawings show the correct spellings, I can't buy her 'art' theory.

How about the Ministry of Education report on school standards in The Isle of Wight? You know the one - it referred to The Isle of White throughout the document.
