October 06, 2007

Quizno's Ad In Poor Taste

Have you seen Quizno's ad for the new Chicken Carbonara sandwich?
Click the sandwich poster to watch the 30-second spot.

It focuses on lunch in an office. A staffer declares that he has given up on eating as he rolls an I.V. pole closer to his desk. His colleague tells him that food deserves another chance. He offers the Chicken Carbonara sandwich as proof of a satisfying alimentary experience.

It's not that I'm offended by the commercial, exactly. I rely on intravenous nutrition and hydration because of severe gastroparesis and if I had to choose, I would choose food any day.

Every day.



Biddie said...

I didn't actually think that the commercial was that funny. Really.
I guess that it's hard to be sensitive to everyone, at all times, but I dunno. I think that it was a tad offensive. Who the heck WANTS to have an IV bag?
My youngest is often hooked up to them, too. It sucks, and it's NOT funny.