May 09, 2007


I heard the sirens before I saw the emergency vehicles.

A procession of various emergency service vehicles early in the afternoon, travelling along a major east-west artery. Lights ablaze, sirens wailing.

Two lead police officers on motorcycles entered the intersection and motioned for traffic to stop. Two more officers on motorcycles sped through followed by 2 marked cruisers. Next came an unmarked cruiser, an ambulance and then an unmarked Regional Police SUV. A fire hall ladder truck sped by trailed by another ambulance. A fire engine and one final cruiser anchored the convoy. Did I mention that each vehicle had its lights and siren in action.

The big emergency?
Upon each vehicle was a sign, the kind used to identify funeral processions. On the face of each sign,

McHappy Day.

That's some marketing muscle. Stop traffic on a major thoroughfare until your advertisement passes.
I'd consider it a stroke of genius if the 9-1-1 Dispatch script was changed to: 9-1-1 Emergency. Do you need police, fire, ambulance or a Big Mac?

The Dog Guide Program is our designated local charity.


Michelle said...

That's what you call McMarketing! It obviously worked.

Christine said...

Except I didn't respond by grabbing a couple Happy Meals at the Drive Thru.