June 15, 2007

For Your Information

I'm just getting around to sorting through all the paperwork I received in Cleveland.

Tucked in with the pages on Nutrition Guidelines to Improve Wound Healing and Using an Incentive Spirometer, is information about the gastric stimulator itself.

Among the info sheets, I received the Installation and Technical Manual as well as the Patient Reference Manual for the Enterra Gastric Stimulator that was implanted.

click image to enlarge

The technology of the gastric stimulator originated in The Netherlands. Since the package includes a hex wrench, I'm guessing the chief engineer was from Sweden!

At least it's got a 1-year warranty against defects!


Michelle said...

The Ikea concept extends to surgery. You're lucky it wasn't an 'implant it yourself' pacemaker!

Christine said...

The book includes the directions, so I could've done it myself. But you know me - I'd only read the instructions if I ran into a problem!