February 12, 2008

Post Viral Snow Fatigue

I didn't see a doctor this Monday. That's almost a reason to celebrate. I'm still toxic with infections, but have these these new symptoms: muscle aches, cold in the extremities and an ache between my shoulder blades that radiates into my neck from scrunching my shoulders to my ears in the wind.

I have Post Viral Snow Fatigue. I definitely have it - the infections coupled with a dread of fluffy white stuff that's been falling from the sky.

Except the stuff that's been falling hasn't been fluffy; it's been heavy snow. One shovelful weighs 7 lbs.

The report is that more than 60 cm of snow fell. Forecasts call for another 20 cm overnight tonight.

One snow day during the exam-week; two more snow days last week and some are betting on sleeping in tomorrow, too.

Last week, Matt and I pushed 3 cars out of the snow in less than 1 hour...one guy twice! "It's surely a sign to stay home," Matt told him. Between rescues, Matt and I were each carting snow across the road to the ravine, because there's just no other place on our side of the street to put it. Jessica, home on the snow day, was clearing the other neighbor's driveway - rent for the shovel I borrowed - but was oddly absent when the cars were stuck.

We live on a bus route, so our street is among the first to be plowed. It's plowed twice as often as the side streets. It's good that we can drive on our street...that is, after we clear the drifts left behind by the plow...which are left twice as often as anyone who lives on the sidestreet. The mess left by the plow is even heavier than the regular stuff, thanks to having been packed down by the traffic, including the buses.

On the roads, I'm tired of driving behind the person who is obviously not comfortable driving in the conditions. On the highway, drivers of those oversized SUV's racing past on the shoulder are sometimes too confident in their driving ability.

Thirty-eight days until spring. I'm taking two more aspirin...I'll call you in the morning.
