January 05, 2009

Bull In A China Store

A new shopping center is preparing for its grand opening in Nanjing, China.
So what, you ask?

H iPhone now available
Apparently Chinese fraud-repreneurs were tired of reproducing item look-a-likes. Each of the stores in this mall is a knock-off of a popular national franchise - "a McDonalds look-a-like burger bar called McDnoald’s, a Starbucks-style coffee shop called Bucksstar Coffee, and a wannabe Pizza Hut called Pizza Huh."   (Read more...)

Fact checker on staff here admits the story in The Mirror could be framed around photo-shop contest entries.
But if the mall does exist, then look for Burger King (under the Burger King banner) in the food court ... they've been selling edible material they call "food" for over 50 years.


Read News about Fake Products


Biddie said...

You are back! I am so happy to see you here again.
I have been mostly offline. My pc blew up and I using my daughter's, and it keeps messing up. Sigh. Most days I am lucky to send an email out.
Tonight, it seems to be working fine and I am here at your place.
Hope you are well.
Biddie x